CodeReview: Tool for reviewing and printing code
About CodeReview
CodeReview formats code reviewing, printing, or posting on a web site. It converts source files syntax highlighted XHTML, and can perform a diff before formatting.
Feature list:
- Review individual files or entire directories.
- Diff, highlight, and print all from one tool.
- XHTML output for saving, printing, or publishing on the web
- Shows differences between versions of code: highlights additions and deletions including line numbers
Syntax highlighting for the following languages:
C++, C#, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VBScript, IDL, XML, HTML, Make files,
PERL, SQL, Java, Javascript, Pascal
- Provide statistics such as changed lines, deleted lines, total lines, etc.
- GUI or command-line interface
- Customizable CSS for printing and on-screen display.
Download CodeReview
CodeReview - v1.0.1 - Windows (last updated 2009/04/25 changes)
You will need the Microsoft .NET Framework in order to run CodeReview. Most systems already have this if you use Windows Update to keep your system up to date with the latest patches.
Samples and documentation
CodeReview - Sample Output
Full sample of the output from CodeReview. This was generated from 2 versions of Motherboard.cpp from Node. It shows highlighting, differencing, and line-wrapping.
CodeReview - Command Line Help
This is a screen shot of the command-line help provided by CodeReview.
Known bugs/limitations
- CodeReview is limited to source files of ~65535 lines.
- Removing the first line of a multiline comment causes the entire comment to be marked as deleted. This is a problem with the HTML output when performing syntax highlighting.
- Some interesting PERL syntax such as q// and qw// strings and delimited strings do not syntax highlight properly.
- Limitations when running under Mono:
- Codereview may run slowly. (Fix pending)
- It may also give you an ArgumentOutOfRangeException. To work around this, disable tab expansion by adding -t 0 to the command-line. (Fix pending)
- The GUI version is designed for WinForms and does not work under Mono. You must use the command-line version.